Protecting Sensitive Files in International Deals

Executives are becoming increasingly concerned about international transactions that involve hypersensitive files. These sensitive data filesthe crown jewels of an organization — have the risk of falling into the wrong hands since they typically contain personal information, financial information, or trade secrets. The loss, misuse, or illegal access to this kind of data could have an undesirable impact on security across the country, the effectiveness of federal programs and also the privacy rights to which individuals are titled under the Privacy Act. Check out controlled non-classified information (CUI).

Moderate sensitivity info comprises data for which there is a legal obligation to guard however the disclosure of this type of information could cause minor harm to the individuals and organizations that are affected. This includes information about building plans donor records, as well as information about intellectual property information about IT services, travel documents like visas and other. Companies operating internationally have to categorize and decide the information that falls under GDPR’s regulations for PHI, HIPAA’s regulations on PI, LGPD’s NY SHIELD, CCPA and more, and ensure that it is stored efficiently across borders.

To safeguard sensitive data companies must implement a range of best practices, including proper tagging and cataloging of every data item, including onsite and offsite disaster restoration, and monitoring for any signs of possible issues. A digital data room program can help with this. This application allows businesses to share and store documents in a cloud-based secure environment.