Communication and Data Storage Platform

Data storage is the technology that keeps large files accessible and secure in case of unforeseen technology glitches. It is essential to safeguard your business by backing up important records to ensure the integrity of data stored in digital files. A good communication platform and storage system for data will provide you with the security features and reliability that your business requires.

Modern businesses generate huge quantities of data. This data needs to be transmitted, stored and processed quickly and securely. According to IT analyst firm IDC, 55.7 billion connected devices will be connected by 2025, generating an estimated 80 zettabytes new data.

A communication and data storage platform is a hardware and software system that captures, manages it, prioritizes, reorganizes and delivers digital information. It is able to be installed on premises in edge computing environments or colocation facilities.

Storage that is based on objects, file storage and block-based storage are all types of storage for data. File storage stores data in a hierarchical manner and allows access via unique identifiers. Object storage utilizes a REST API that provides massive scaling and supports unstructured data. Block storage integrates multiple storage media into one device, giving high availability and scalable performance.

Storage options for data vary in cost, capacity and security features. Certain vendors, including Cisco, Dell EMC and HPE provide enterprise-level storage that combine storage software, hardware and networking components into one unit. Other vendors, such as Drobo, iXsystems and QNAP, offer all-flash or hybrid storage solutions.